Friday, April 17, 2009

Flames Suck

Haha Flames suck. Glad they lost last night. I hope by the time I get back from vacation they would have already been eliminated from the playoffs.

And to fire back at a certain douche bag's comments on a previous post. If the Flames go deep into the playoffs I will have no problems heading to 17th ave. to party. Not to cheer on the Flames. But to drink in the streets and act a fool.

Does this make me a hypocrite? Hells no. I like to party and I hate the Flames. Will I go to a party to celebrate the Flames? Sure... but I'm there to party.

It's like when I went to the Nas concert a couple of years ago and kept screaming out "I love you Kanye" and "Sing Stronger!". Haha. Okay it's not exactly like that, because I actually like Nas. I just remembered that story.

In closing, Flames suck, Hockey sucks, and Lakers Rule All.

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