Saturday, April 11, 2009


So last night after dinner w/ the Fam @ Sumo me, Anne, Jane and Jordan decided to have a chill night at Ate Har's. So we stopped at Blockbuster to get a movie.

While we were paying for the movie Jordan was off to the side looking at DVD's. I had the following convo w/ the teller:

Me: My brother over there is mentaly retarded. Could you please say good bye to him?
Teller: Sure, I say goodbye to everyone so you didn't even have to ask.
Me: Thanks, but could you do something special like wave and say his name? His name is Jordan. It would really make his day.
Teller: Sure no problem.

At thtat very moment Jordan turns towards us holding up a DVD copy of Independence Day. A special cover w/ a hologram pic of the white house. When you have it a certain angle the white house is normal, at a different angle it explodes.

Jordan: Look... (shows the cover at the angle in which it looks normal) and then ... (turns the cover so the hologram shows the exploded pic) BOOM.

(Hahaha, this pretty much sealed the deal w/ the teller letting her know that he was retarded)

So as we were walking out me and the girls step back and let Jordan go first. She hands him the movie and snacks and says...

Teller: *Waving Bye Jordan :)
Jordan: Bye... *leans in forward to read her name tag, and reads out slowly* A-L-ICE.

Hahaha we go outside and we tell Jordan that we told Alice he was retarded, he proceeds to chase me around the parking lot threatening to kill me...

Good Times

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