Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Home Sick

Home sick, haven't been feeling well all week. I'm guessing I caught something from all the little brats at Chuckie Cheese. If you think that's absurd my sister thought she caught lice and pink eye from being at Chuckie Cheese.

Anyway's here's my top 5 reasons I hate being home sick...

1.) Sleeping in is cool, by noon though I'm all slept out, in the evening when I should go to bed I can't cause I got all that sleep in the morning.

2.) Day time TV sucks. The only good day time TV starts at 3pm on TBS (I know it's Peachtree but to me it'll always be TBS) when King of Queens airs back to back for an hour.

3.) Being home makes me hungry more frequently then I would be if I were busy at work.

4.) I get paranoid at what my so called "friends" maybe emailing my work account. If you don't think this is a big deal I once received 80+ emails in one day when I was out sick when I was working for the Forzani Group.

5.) I'm usually super horney when I'm home sick but my lady won't have sex w/ me because I am sick.

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